Flooding December 2019 - February 2020

This graph shows the level of the Thames from 30th November 2019 to 3rd January 2020. The red horizontal line is roughly at the level where water starts flowing out of the Thames across the land above Shiplake weir. The vertical scale is in centimetres.

Any level above -20 is likely to make access difficult along parts of Loddon Drive. In this case, waders or very large 4WD vehicles were needed from 21st December. Ordinary cars would have suffered water damage from about mid-day on 21st to about midnight on 26th December if using the route to Wargrave Station. The route to the A4 remained passable with care throughout.

As usual, anyone who waited for the full Flood Warning before moving their vehicles would have had problems. The river peaked at about 4cm over the bank, and at this level we would not expect any damage to houses though a few bits of garden furniture were spotted making a break for Teddington!

This shows the year from June 2019 to June 2020:

You can see the lower peak in January and the second flood in February.

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